Sunday, 9 May 2010

A nice day out.

I attended the convention at Graeme High School in Falkirk on Saturday, with my wife in tow. She was desperate to see what goes on at such gatherings. I thought that she would be bored out of her skull, and was wishing that they had a creche for wives organised, you know, somewhere to dump the other half off and pick her up when you have done the tour and bought all you need to keep you going for about the next 18 months.

As it happened, she really enjoyed the day.

There wasn`t nearly enough parking spaces which would be my only complaint, but when I did manage to find a place to shoehorn my car into, and we passed through the door into the halls, my frustration was forgotten.

There were five halls in total, 35 clubs represented and 37 traders and a flea market.

I was on the lookout for additions to my embryo 28mm Roman army and though Gripping Beast had a good selection, I plumped for Wargames Factory plastics. 28 Numidians and 12 Ancient German Cavalry. The detail on the figures is quite good and I like the fact that they are multipose. Also, there will be some bits left over for the goodie box.
I also bought some model scenic cork boulders and a couple of packets of tree foliage which will come in handy in the future. From this you can see that I didn`t go mad since funds were limited as decreed by she who must be obeyed, or I could have gone absolutely ga ga with the green stuff. (No, not the modelling putty).

I didn`t take many photos, and as Paul AKA Caliban has already posted some of theur Zama game, I am only goung to show the RAF Wargames Association skirmish game, The Magnificant Seven. They asked if I would like to take part, but I think it meant having to wear a Mexican sombrero as some of them were, so I politely declined. I`ve never looked good in a sombrero.

The other photo is of a castle which, as a maker of model buildings, I liked very much.

I`m now looking forward to Claymore in August.

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